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The Armijo Signal

The student news site of Armijo High School

The Armijo Signal

The Armijo Signal

Maya Adimora

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief & Beyond the Gates Editor

“For a second, I was thinking that I might write 5 articles this time. Then I reminded myself that I’m weak and can’t handle it.”

Maya Nneoma Adimora is a senior at Rodriguez Rodriguez High School—finally! She’s absolutely over the moon to continue being the Beyond the Gates Editor (for three years in a row) and a Co-Editor-in-Chief in spite of not actually attending Armijo. (There’s a loooong story behind that.)

She finds joy in expanding her comfort zone’s boundaries by getting more involved in her school and community. It seems unremarkable, but she’s worked toward this level of normalcy since freshman year.

When she isn’t obsessing over fictional characters, stressing about college/scholarship applications, or losing her mind over high school in general, she channels her passion for reading and writing into hopefully publishing a novel.

All content by Maya Adimora
The world runs more smoothly when people have paying jobs.

From part-time jobs to careers

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
May 15, 2023
Everyone has a story to share. Want to share yours?

Compelling stories start from words

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
March 15, 2023
Don’t know where to start reading? Head to the campus or local library where the librarian(s) will gladly help you find a page-turner.

You can’t go wrong with a good book!

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
March 15, 2023
While the title suggests money management, Manny is responsible for much more.

Leadership gives sophomore treasurer perspective

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief/Beyond the Gates Editor
February 15, 2023
Although “gems” and “jewels” are used interchangeably, they’re actually very different. Gems are the actual stones, while jewels are refined gemstones.

Beautiful stones with beautiful meanings

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
February 15, 2023
Does your zodiac sign accurately describe your personality?

“What’s your sign?”

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
January 15, 2023
What do you eat to stay energized throughout the day?

Remember to take a (lunch) break!

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
December 15, 2022
Twenty-five years of hard work, patience, and dedication at Armijo lands this freshman biology teacher a major award.

Years of teaching rewarded

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
December 1, 2022
After two years of student leadership, Junior Class Secretary Justin Lau has much to say on self-improvement and improving Armijo’s campus culture.

Class Secretary emphasizes student mental health

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief/Beyond the Gates Editor
December 1, 2022
Learning to understand and respect other people and their culture is the first
step in creating a prosperous future for mankind.

Mutual understanding creates international awareness

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
November 15, 2022
Either at home or at the theater, in color or silent, movies are a form of entertainment that has something for all ages.

Lights, camera, action!

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
October 15, 2022
Sometimes the right choice of movie snack is a popular one.

Top 5 go-to snacks of avid film watchers

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
October 15, 2022
From no leadership experience to freshman vice president, Anne Madea Aguilar is committed to making big changes on campus for the freshman class.

Freshman VP embraces “Royal” identity

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
October 15, 2022
Will you spend this autumn enjoying the cool weather and falling leaves, or getting cozy indoors with loved ones?

Autumn brings comfort food, cool weather, and more!

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
September 15, 2022
DSM-5 has allowed mental health professionals to diagnose the mind similar
to how doctors diagnose the human body.

The key to mental health diagnoses

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief/Beyond the Gates editor
September 1, 2022
Find your area of expertise and work your way up to the top. You've got this.

Everyone is a winner

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
August 15, 2022
The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the most prestigious awards to ever exist.

2021 Nobel Peace Prize winners expose government corruption

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
August 15, 2022
A student of many passions, Lucia Holmboe embraces them to make her last year of high school one to remember.

Stepping out of her comfort zone

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
August 15, 2022
Iron Widow is a powerful reimagining of China’s only female emperor Wu Zetian’s life.

China’s only empress overthrows the patriarchy

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
August 15, 2022
Maya Adimora will have to balance AP classes, extracurriculars, and two editor positions this year. Will she crack under pressure?

She’s got big shoes to fill!

Maya Adimora, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Beyond the Gates editor
August 15, 2022
From freedom to citizenship to desegregation, the African American fight for equality prevails.

Juneteenth: the road to freedom and equality

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
June 1, 2022
22 and Joe helped each other find their sparks. How will you find yours?

How 22 found her spark

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
June 1, 2022
The freedom to practice religion allows for religious diversity as several
religions coexist in America.

America, the melting pot of religions

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
May 15, 2022
With your help, we can stamp out hunger. Every little bit helps!

USPS Food Drive aims to end food insecurity

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
May 1, 2022
At 500+ million copies sold, One Piece is the most best selling manga series
and one of the longest running anime of all time.

Need an anime TV show to watch?

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
April 15, 2022
April Fools' Day is the perfect time for you to release your inner prankster.

A special day for pranksters

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
April 1, 2022
These popular Netflix comedies will have you cracking up in no time.

Laugh out loud at five Netflix comedies

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
April 1, 2022
College campuses like Bates (above) become more of a reality for the members of this club.

A future for introverted students

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
March 15, 2022
Test simplifies you into 4 letters

Test simplifies you into 4 letters

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
March 15, 2022
Did you know that the world’s first novel, The Tale of Genji, was written by a woman? She was a Japanese poet and lady-in-waiting named Murasaki Shikibu.

Women who revolutionized literature

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
March 1, 2022
How many digits of π can you list?

Math gives an excuse for fun

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
March 1, 2022
50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24. Take care of yourself!

Teens, it’s okay not to be okay

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
March 1, 2022
Did you know that the United Nations celebrates Earth Day on the vernal equinox (March 21)?

Celebrating the Earth through activism

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates Editor
February 15, 2022
The Beatles acted as a voice for hippies, singing about topics related to the movement, as “Beatlemania” swept the nation in the 1960s.

Peace, love, and hippies in history

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates Editor
February 15, 2022
After a bevy of odd jobs, Mr. Tkach found a home at Armijo High School

A passion for his subject

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
January 15, 2022
During his time, Martin Luther King Jr. was the youngest man to receive the Nobel Peace Prize at 35 years old.

More than a day off school

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
January 13, 2022
After her debut novel, The Song of Achilles, became a hit, Madeline Miller dipped her toes back into Greek Mythology and gave us Circe seven years later.

A woman’s tale is finally told

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
January 1, 2022
Myths were originally oral stories , preserved as pictographs.

A deeper look at three pantheons

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
January 1, 2022
Presents, Santa hats, and Christmas trees don’t bring enough holiday cheer? One of these desserts might just do the trick.

Set a festive mood with 12 holiday treats

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
December 1, 2021
Marian was tired of waiting to do something, so she did something.

Taking the lead after a distant year

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
December 1, 2021
Show up to your next dance looking your very best with these tips.

Dress fancy, stay classy

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates Editor
November 15, 2021
Boys, be prepared to be swept off your feet with a sweet proposal to a Sadie Hawkins dance.

Dance challenges gender roles

Maya Adimora, Staff writer
November 15, 2021
Passion continues to take Kevin into the future.

Ugalde shares interests with friends

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
November 15, 2021
Yahir has kept a positive attitude since freshman year.

Reflections on four years at AHS

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
November 1, 2021
Ever wanted to write a novel? If so, this writing challenge is for you.

50,000 words, 30 days, one novel

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
November 1, 2021
Read it and discuss it with new friends.

Virtual club is open to all

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
November 1, 2021
Castro is leaving his future in God's hands.

Football has been fun for Castro

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
November 1, 2021
A community is only as good as its members and the work they put into it.

Change the world one step at a time

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
October 15, 2021
"SCOTUS APRIL 2015 LGBTQ 54663" by tedeytan is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

A Comprehensive Guide on LGBTQ+ Terms

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
October 1, 2021
This year, Vacaville is hosting its first Vacaville Arts Week. It’s shaping up to be unlike anything the city has hosted before.

Arts and culture take center stage

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
September 15, 2021
Vintage clothes are coming back!

Fashion inspiration from the past

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
September 15, 2021
Ms. Radmanesh shares her teaching journey.

An interview with Madame Radmanesh

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
September 15, 2021
You might have heard of canoeing but canyoneering is a totally different type of activity.

Try canyoneering, it’s adventurous!

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
September 1, 2021
Some of the tallest trees are located not so far from here!

Yosemite’s largest tree grove: The Mariposa Grove

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
September 1, 2021
Meet our newest editor writing for beyond the gates activities and events, Maya Adimora!

A writer by heart and newest editor, Maya Adimora

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
September 1, 2021
Edmond Hoyle published A Short Treatise on the Game of Whist was in 1742, at age 70.

Cards and games by the rules

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
August 29, 2021
Swing by and celebrate Vacaville’s heritage

Swing by and celebrate Vacaville’s heritage

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
August 25, 2021
On March 1, 1872, Yellowstone National Park became the world’s first national park.

National Parks are an American treasure

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
August 25, 2021
This is a week to be wonderful.

Week of focus paves way for the future

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
August 25, 2021
There are lots of options to recognize this day.

Give back to the community – start today

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
August 17, 2021
History continues to roll out life-changing events in 2021, as the world moves forward.

21 major world events in 2021

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
August 15, 2021
Military honors are recognized through a 21-gun salute.

21 shots symbolize honor

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
August 15, 2021
Look up to the sky and wish upon a lucky... meteor.

Twinkle twinkle little meteor

Maya Adimora, Beyond the Gates editor
August 10, 2021
What color do you want to make you feel like royaty?

Flaunt your nails with pride

Maya Adimora, Staff writer
June 1, 2021
Worth watching, even if you aren't familiar with the books.

Into the Shadow Fold

Maya Adimora, Staff writer
May 1, 2021
Combine healthy food and exercise for the best results.

Let’s get active

Maya Adimora, Staff writer
April 26, 2021

Protect your lungs and be aware

Maya Adimora, Staff writer
March 24, 2021
Your story is worth telling. Start today.

Your story matters to others

Maya Adimora, Staff writer
March 14, 2021
Medical tests show specific inconsistencies.

Chromosomes make a difference

Maya Adimora, Staff writer
March 1, 2021
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