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The Armijo Signal

The student news site of Armijo High School

The Armijo Signal

The Armijo Signal

Tahtiana Foster, Staff writer

How I spend my time? When I'm not busy at work, or catching up on schoolwork, I love to enjoy myself by being out, having fun with friends, shopping, making youtube videos, spending time in bed, on social media or watching something on netflix/youtube while eating one of my favorite snacks.

I also have a love for music. I tend to enjoy the sound of any 90s- early 20s R&B music, the sound of hearing every instrument that just flows so beautifully, along with the rhythms most of the artist incorporated in their lyrics always makes me feel better.

When I'm not listening to my favorite artist, I have a passion for fashion. Although I'm still trying to find my style, I love piecing outfits together that bring out my confidence because I see it as, if you’re wearing something you feel comfortable in, it’ll boost your self- confidence which is helpful to have these days. I love that feeling.

Academically, I enjoy learning new things in  school to an extent. While being in anatomy/ physiology, I find it so interesting how the human body works. Also, being in English and journalism is quite entertaining for me since I tend to enjoy writing mostly.

Most of the goals for my remaining years at Armijo, are to enjoy myself which could include having lots of school spirit, all while making sure I’m getting ready for college by knowing where I want to go and what to major in. I also of course want to keep an A-B grade average and a positive attitude at all times.


All content by Tahtiana Foster