Howard ranks high in the HBCUs

Still searching for college options? Well, Howard University is definitely a great option. Howard University, one of the 101 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) provides four different fields of study programs: undergraduate, graduate, doctorate, and professionalism.

The college first started off as a single-frame building in 1867. From the success over time, Howard embraces the knowledge for Black professionals in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, engineering, nursing, architecture, religion, law, music, social work, and education.

Howard University is located in Atlanta, Georgia. The university provides tours for all high school students to get a sense of feeling of what the Howard University life might be. They’re able to interact with actual students and staff. Tours are available every weekday at specific times, which is why it’s best to schedule a tour.

For this current school year, the university’s tuition prices vary depending on the program students start in. For an example, an undergraduate tuition cost $12,000 a semester, not including books, dorms, and other fees. In total, the cost calculates to $47,000 for tuition, and $24,000 for books, fees, and other expenses.

Like most colleges, Howard provides a wide range of sports. This university gives access to 19 varsity sports that includes indoor and outdoor track, bowling and volleyball.

If you have Howard University in mind, you’d definitely want to know that it is a university that has the largest gatherings of Black scholars and has provided more than 100,000 degrees in the professions, arts, sciences, and humanities since 1867.