Sem Yeto created a passion for Journalism
Events Editor Julissa Madrigal

She discovered Journalism at Sem Yeto, but brought her passion to Armijo.
My name is Julissa Madrigal; I am a senior at Armijo High School.
Before transferring into Armijo, I was in a credit recovery school called Sem Yeto. My time there was amazing. It was a small school and you were bound to be friends with every student and teacher.
When I was there I was assigned to be in journalism. I didn’t like it at first, but it slowly grew on me. Next thing I knew, I was choosing to be in that class voluntarily. In other words, I didn’t choose journalism, it chose me. Journalism is very fun when your passion is to write stories and explain in detail about events.
What brought me to enjoy journalism was always a question to me. Why? But the answer is simple: I am a writer with passion, imagination, and creativity. I know that doesn’t sound like an average student in journalism, but trust me, it’s something worth doing.
Journalism is a way to grow, learn, and just overall an experience not everyone can go through. I’ve interviewed, reviewed movies, and done other things like that, and I had fun doing so. I loved writing reviews on CDs or movies because you are writing with passion on every detail. That’s why I love journalism.
Thank goodness journalism found its way to me because now I have learned beyond what I knew in Sem Yeto. It’s like creative writing, but shown to the public. I recommend that every student experience being in journalism.

Hello! My name is Julissa Madrigal, but feel free to call me Jules for short.
I've lived in California for most of my years. I grew up living in a...