Taking the lead after a distant year

ASB Focus – Jr Class President Marian Supapo

Emily Torres Maravilla

Marian was tired of waiting to do something, so she did something.

Not only is Marian Supapo a runner and a baller (since freshman year), she is also this year’s Junior Class President.

Supapo’s path to student government began after a year of Distance Learning. She decided that sitting on the sidelines wasn’t enough for her. “I wanted to become more involved in the [Leadership] program and around campus, so I decided to campaign for an officer position,” she said. “I love how Armijo is such a diverse community with different groups of people. I think it is great when we are able to come together, like at football games and dances, as a whole school because that is where all the different groups on campus get to come and bond with each other. So I think having more opportunities to do that throughout the year and getting more people to participate would be great.”

Being Junior Class President can be incredibly stressful. Planning this year’s Homecoming skits, creating next year’s senior shirts, and fundraising are just a few of the many tasks that she’s had. But it’s also incredibly rewarding. Her position allows her to “not only connect with the students around campus but also the rest of the Junior class.”

And Supapo advises other students to join in on the fun. “I think [student leadership] is a great way to become involved in Armijo’s student body,” she said, “and a great way to discover leadership qualities in yourself that you may not realize you have.”

What helps is having a role model to look up to. Supapo looks up to one of her best friends: Kaitlyn Edejer. “Her work ethic and drive is something that I strive to develop,” the Junior President said. “She is one of the most hardworking individuals I know, and will always be an amazing friend to me.

Although her future in student government isn’t set, Supapo hopes to major in biology at a four year university and become a cardiologist.