Editor from a happy accident
School News: Rylyn Castisimo
Honestly, me joining the Armijo Signal was a happy accident, if you would put it that way. I still remember when I was signing up for my freshman year classes and picking journalism because I thought it was a class that would help me write. But technically, I wasn’t wrong and I’m glad eighth-grade me made that mistake.
I continued to write for the Armijo Signal again this year because, first of all, it would help me improve my writing skills throughout the year. With me getting more serious about focusing on my stories in my second semester last year, I noticed my stories and essays for my other classes were improving, too. I think journalism had a great impact on helping me structure my writing and helping me improve my writing.
I still plan on writing for the Armijo Signal for the rest of high school, but I don’t have any plans for writing for any newspaper after. In college I might, but who knows? In the future I’d like to go to the University of Washington to study business and hopefully become a businesswoman as I don’t have it completely planned out just yet.
A staff writer for the Armijo Signal at Armijo High, Rylyn is responsible for writing two stories every month, as well as the other assignments that Ms.Herring...