Meet Your 2021-2022 ASB Officers
Plus Senior and Junior Class Officers
Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash
Six girls set to lead ASB for the 2021-2022 school year.
The wait is over! The 2021-2022 Armijo Associated Student Body (ASB) Election results are in and new officers were selected to be the leaders and voice of the Associated Student Body (ASB). These positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Student Activities Officer, and Student Relations Officer.
While the job of the ASB president is to oversee the work of her fellow ASB officers and leadership classmates, there is much more to it. She will be in charge of planning school events, like rallies and dances, and assisting in carrying out these social activities.
After holding numerous leadership positions since ninth grade, it is only natural for Daniela Gonzalez to add ASB President to the list. As a Junior Class Officer, she utilized class meetings, social media, and surveys/feedback to facilitate positive change on campus. Gonzalez looks to continue to use these tools as ASB President.
Vice President:
Not only does the VP share many of the President’s responsibilities, but she will also assist her in many aspects. While she also will help create events, her role centers around generally raising school spirit and encouraging students to participate in the community. She also helps plan and run meetings.
You may know Juliana Delmendo from when she served as Freshman Class President or her role as Committee Head of Leadership Holiday, Night Rally, and Special Ed Relations events. Since joining leadership in ninth grade, she’s always focused on creating school-wide activities for students to come together. Delmendo aims to continue developing those connections as the new ASB Vice President.
The treasurer’s job is very straightforward. She keeps track of the student body budget, making sure money is available and well-spent. She is expected to keep school events affordable and within realistic bounds.
Alliyah Abique will serve as the new ASB Treasurer. During her Freshman Officer Election back in fall of 2018, she was featured in the Armijo Signal for helping candidates create her videos. Although there isn’t much written on Abique yet, that is soon to change this coming school year.
One can argue that the ASB secretary is the person who keeps the leadership wheel turning. She handles the paperwork, and signs forms and passes. She is in charge of running and planning Homecoming and other activities. Her decisions greatly affect Armijo’s student body.
As a Junior Class Officer, Kennedie Edejer made it a point to do everything with great enthusiasm and positivity, and being next year’s ASB Secretary won’t change that as she brings life back to Armijo High School after a year of distance learning.
Student Activities Officer:
The Student Activities Officer mainly focuses on planning fun activities inclusive for all students.
Since joining Armijo as a freshman, Olivia Kolakoski has actively participated in leadership roles, such as Committee Head for Student Body Betterment and a participant in the Armijo-Crystal Buddy Program. This year, her efforts were focused on “senior bonding activities” and fundraising. There’s no doubt that she will continue this as the new ASB Student Activities Officer.
Student Relations Officer:
The Student Relations Officer’s job is to encourage student engagement in school events. She usually does this through team-building activities, meetings, using social media, and finding ways to voice student opinions.
As a goal-oriented person, Mariyam Oladele will stop at nothing to achieve them. So far, she’s been a Junior Class Officer, Special Ed Basketball Committee Head, Special Ed Relations Co-Committee Head, and Backdrops Committee Head (Football Hoco). After three years of leadership, she’s finally become next year’s ASB Student Relations Officer. Oladele isn’t slowing down since she hopes to make Armijo’s campus more inclusive to people with disabilities.
The Senior Class (Class of 2022) will be represented by:
The Junior Class (Class of 2023) will be represented by:

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