All in a Name: Beautiful Music



Armijo’s campus can be filled with music. There are the band classes that start at 7 in the morning. There is a Choir class and a Glee Club. There is a Guitar Club and, of course, there are the students who are always listening to their iPods.

What would music be without its key components, though? Music is not really music without a harmony and, at Armijo, we have a student who bears the name Harmoni. Harmoni Perry is a freshman with a beautiful smile and a cheerful attitude. She and her friend Lyric make a musical duet.

Lyric Countee is also a freshman. “I was named after someone,” she said. When her parents heard her sing, though, they realized that her name truly fit her personality and interests. Sometimes, when she is introduced to new people, they tell her that they were doing to call their children by the same name. Other times, they simply ask if she sings.

“I’d like to attend a college for music and acting,” said Countee, although she wants to end up working as a make-up and hair artist. Currently she enjoys playing volleyball and participating in cheer and track. She also plays “a little basketball and badminton.”

Countee is the second person in her family to attend Armijo. “My older sister Shamayan came here… but she’s off to college,” she said.