August Editorial: New Beginnings

“Begin afresh, afresh, afresh,” said Philip Larkin in his poem “The Trees

Every school year presents an opportunity to begin afresh, and this year is no different. As students return to class once again, new openings emerge to learn new skills, forge new friendships, and explore a variety of interests, from music to robotics and community service. These coming months brim with exciting challenges in academics, athletics, and much more.

While the freedom of summer may draw to a close, the new school year brings rich opportunities for reinvention and discovery. Returning to school may mean a return to routine and convention for some, while others take the occasion to enter class bright-eyed and ready to grow.

Whether students are seasoned Juniors or precocious Freshmen, the Armijo community once again comes to life, invigorated by the possibility of new beginnings. This is the time to turn hobbies into passions, ideas into realities, and to discover one’s true potential. In this edition of the Armijo Signal, I encourage you to look past the return to ritual and to open your eyes to the new beginnings of the year, ripe for discovery.

This school year marks yet another opportunity to begin anew. While you may be presented with a myriad of choices and countless obstacles, take this opportunity to make your aspirations come to fruition.

Tangentially, I hope that you will turn to the Armijo Signal to begin afresh and learn about Armijo’s sports, clubs, staff, and more.