Editor Focus: Rachel Liu (People)

Hey! My name is Rachel Liu and I’m currently a Junior in the IB (International Baccalaureate) Program. I’ve also now been the Peoples Editor for two years, starting my sophomore year. I wrote for The Armijo Signal freshman year, as well as drew comics for the Signal.

My brother was a writer, editor, and Editor-in-Chief for the Armijo Signal while he attended. This inspired me to try to contribute my share to the paper, whether in the form or writing, editing, or drawing. I was ecstatic freshman year that I could contribute to the Signal with my passion for drawing. Nevertheless, editing and writing for the Signal has also helped mature my writing abilities.

On the other hand, I’m also a part of many school clubs! I founded the Art With a Purpose Club this year and attend National Honor Society and Math Club as well. I also play for the Armijo badminton team and look forward to tryouts every year. Outside of school, I spend my time completing school work, volunteering for 4-H SET, and drawing whenever I can make time.

Being a part of the Armijo Signal is a unique experience and something that I truly love! I look forward to another wonderful year at Armijo and with the Armijo Signal!