Meet the Editor: Royce Guo (Co-Editor in Chief)

Hello readers, my name is Royce Guo.

Entering my freshman year, I had many questions — whether I would make new friends, discover new interests, and most importantly, if high school would be like anything shown in High School Musical (Surprise! It wasn’t). It was in the pursuit of the second question that led me to becoming a writer for The Armijo Signal.

Slowly, as I signed up to write more and more articles, from CD reviews to sports interviews, my interest in journalism blossomed. It was at some point in time between many interviews and late nights writing when I discovered the beauty of journalism: the ability to share stories and perspectives. In my sophomore year, I was surprised and honored to be chosen for the role of clubs editor. As a clubs editor, I continued to explore the diverse Armijo landscape while honing the skills of an editor.

Today, I am Junior, an IB student, and now, your Co-Editor of The Armijo Signal. My mission as Co-Editor in Chief will be to curate stories that inspire you to create, imagine, and explore the realm of possibility. I hope to represent the many unique voices that Armijo High School has to offer. It is with great pride that I aim to carry the tradition and spirit of the Armijo Signal forward.

I am more than excited to co-edit with one of my good friends, the talented, funny, and imaginative, Isabella Roxas as we share the stories that represent the ever changing tapestry of Armijo High School.