Armijo’s Solar Panel Parking Lot: A Sustainable Future Ahead

The Armijo parking lot is getting an entire makeover and, while that is a problem for parking in the short term, it is an answer that should last a long time to an energy and budget crisis. SolarCity, a leading renewable energy company, is placing brand new solar panels in the available space before repaving the parking lot. The project was supposed to be started earlier in the summer but other schools were also selected for the improvement and Armijo was placed toward the bottom of the list. When SolarCity started to dig, they discovered some challenges with a water source that the parking lot covered.

“SolarCity comes very well prepared to do this,” said Kim Van Gundy, director of facilities for the school district, told trustees at the meeting in 2016.

Not only will the parking lot be shaded by the energy saving solar panels, Armijo High School and many other FSUSD schools will be saving more energy than ever. Installing solar panels is a large investment, but has beneficial savings over the years. “SolarCity (uses) a power purchase agreement that requires the solar vendor to finance, build and maintain the solar panels, according to a staff report,” McCarthy explained in the article. “The school district buys, at a flat rate, power generated by the panels.”

While construction continues, the parking lot remains closed to students indefinitely. However, once the project is completed, Armijo students will have assigned parking permits, making parking more efficient. 

“Students will only be allowed to park on site once they have completed a Student Parking Lot Request Form through the Treasurer’s Office.  Each student will need to submit a copy of his or her driver’s license, car registration and proof of insurance,” said Ms. Cindy Limneos, Armijo treasurer. “Please understand that parking in the student parking lot is a privilege and as such, grades, attendance, behavior will be reviewed.  Administrative approval will be required for each student prior to distribution of a parking permit. “