More than just weekly meetings
Club Focus – Multimedia Club
Mr. Gonzalez can tell you, there’s always a lot to do in the Multimedia Club.
Every Tuesday at lunch, in JS- 1, the Multimedia Club regularly meets, but they get together as much as needed during the week.
While there are more than 60 members, the most active 30 participate consistently, doing one thing or another for the club. It’s all based on academics in video production.
The Multimedia Club and program go hand in hand. Every member in the academy is also a part of SkillsUSA, an organization that competes regionally, statewide and nationwide. This year they had 37 students compete in the regional competition. All but one qualified to go to state. They ended up placing #1 for performing the framework and qualifying for Nationals.
“The Multimedia Academy is a CTE program…and our goal is to prepare kids to be college and career ready when they are done with high school, so our hope is they’re going to have a good skills set to either enter a video production house or any other job where we focus on personal skills, technical skills and workplace skills,” said Mr. Anthony Gonzalez, the advisor for the Multimedia Club.
The club is designed to enhance what they do in the Multimedia Academy. The club is for those students who wanted to go above and beyond what they do in the regular classroom setting. “There’s only an x amount of hours during the day for a period, so when you’re talking about video production sometimes it could take a good 50 minutes just to set up a set and do the lights and get your mics and get everything together before you even start shooting” said Mr. Gonzalez.
Club members also do internships for students who are interested, doing things like following sports teams, providing coaches and players with video.
The Multimedia Club also did Local Healthy Foods and Deck the Halls on campus. There are many opportunities for students to actually get workplace skills and they happen to work with equipment that regular students usually don’t have access to.
“Everybody is welcome to participate in the Multimedia Academy Club and when they do that we come in on Saturdays and do extra work and different things like that,” said Mr. Gonzalez.

I was born on May 17, 2005, and grew up in Fairfield, California. I have two older brothers and one older sister, so I am the baby of the family. My...