Leadership keeps him busy
Senior Class Treasurer: Damien Romo

Being a class officer is not the only way Damian is creating memories in his senior year.
For the 2022-2023 school year, Damian Romo has taken the position as Treasurer for the Senior Class. He is also a student athlete – he plays baseball.
Romo’s plans after high school include attending a four year university, studying civil engineering, and continuing playing baseball.
He decided to join leadership due to multiple reasons: leadership events throughout his freshman year interested him, he had looked forward to making friends with people from the leadership class, and he wanted to know the leadership adviser, Mr. Casey Towner, in a different light. Mr. Towner also happens to be Romo’s baseball coach.
For Romo, some of the events he enjoyed attending were “Friday night A-team games and the senior skit for football homecoming; those will forever be great memories.” An event he is looking forward to is the Car Show in May. His favorite part of leadership is the people.
Last spring, Romo decided to run for a class officer position to be more involved with leadership. His responsibilities as the treasurer are to help lead and oversee meetings, and plan fundraisers for the senior class. Romo is the type of leader who is committed to finishing the task at hand as well as engaging everyone else to do so.
In terms of some of the things he could improve on, he admitted that he wants to try being more straightforward with people when they aren’t doing their jobs.
Throughout his year in leadership, Romo has felt like he has grown as a leader by becoming more verbal and also by giving a helping hand. Being in leadership has “been great honestly wish I would’ve joined since freshman year,” he said.

I didn’t grow up in California. I grew up in the Philippines for almost my whole life, until July of 2018.
I was born on September 13, 2008. Moving...