Hardwork is better together
Sophomore Vice President: Sergio Rodriquez

Being Vice President of his class has taught Sergio many skills.
Sergio Rodriguez has taken the Vice President position for the sophomore class of 2025 in the Leadership program. Last year, Rodriguez played badminton for Armijo. He joined leadership because his older brother was in the program, and he also wanted to try something new.
This year, Rodriguez enjoyed attending the Homecoming dance and the Karaoke Night, two events that he had a hand in planning. His favorite parts of leadership are being around the people he enjoys working with.
Another reason why he enjoys leadership is because, for him, “it’s a pleasure to work in an environment where a lot of people has the same interests and wants to better the community.”
Rodriguez ran for one of the officer positions last spring because people around him influenced him to do better in school and also because he wanted to take a bigger role. Being a class officer has given him more responsibilities and also a lot of work, but he and encourages others to show up to school events and enjoy them.
Rodriguez and the other class officers work together as equals. He believes a good officer should be able to work with everyone, sets a good example for peers, and tries to bring others up. He believes that there are a lot of things he can improve on and he always want to improve and be better.
He is planning on running to be a class officer for his junior year and also considering running for one of the Associated Student Body (ASB) officer’s position for his senior year of high school.

I didn’t grow up in California. I grew up in the Philippines for almost my whole life, until July of 2018.
I was born on September 13, 2008. Moving...