Generosity has the power to make our world a better place!
There are many ways to express your generosity!
Small acts of kindness or generosity go a long way, and make the world a better place. It is something that is voluntary and selfless, with no expectation of receiving something in return, but rather doing it out of heart. However, generosity and kindness can take different forms, for example you can volunteer your time, donate money towards a cause, etc. Being generous can have a huge impact on your quality of life in the sense that it can make you happier as you know that the things that you are doing will eventually help someone and improve their life in a certain way.
In this edition of the Armijo Signal, we talk about the many ways in which you can show your generosity towards the community throughout different opportunities, such as volunteering at your local animal shelter, after-school programs, pet therapy, etc. Additionally, a different perspective of generosity is also presented, specifically throughout the lens of the Bible, which brings to light the idea that those who are fair and generous will receive the same in life while those who are cheaters will suffer the consequences of such deceitful behavior. And don’t forget about Human Rights Day, which is a special day where we bring awareness towards those issues that affect our human rights. We hope you are inspired by what you read and consider volunteering your time towards different causes or simply being kind and generous to others in your day to day life!

Hey there, I’m Dulce Bernal Ortiz! If you don’t know who I am, I’m a senior at Armijo High School, serving this year as your People Editor (second...