ASB candidates share their goals

Class officer elections voting until Friday, April 21 @ 4 pm

This year the Associated Student Body (ASB) candidates were more than promising, with a stellar twelve juniors running for ASB office, perhaps the most in Armijo history. They all brought different aspects to Armijo. The ASB are event planners, but more than that, they are the role models of the leadership program and Armijo as a whole.

Sharleen Esico, a strong candidate, said, “One of my top priorities is to make students feel welcomed to this school. Compared to when I first walked on campus, I’ve personally developed a more positive mindset and better view of Armijo high school, and I wish to inspire others by doing the same for them.”

A goal for Angel Cano was for students to leave Armijo High School with pride and joy, not because it’s finally over, but because of how it had an impact on their lives.

Anthony Thomas said, “As ASB, I would hope to create an environment around myself that is caring and beneficial in hopes that it will trickle throughout leadership followed by throughout the school. In short trickle kindness and caring through Armijo.”

Kikuye Fuji remembered a quote from C.S. Lewis that she thought displayed her hopes for the next year: “Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You, too? I thought I was the only one!”’ She wants to make students make this kind of connection with people whom they never thought they would, and realize that their peers are a lot more alike than they think.

One idea Madison Kudsk had was to improve communication about upcoming events. She wants to make a large visible calendar on campus when anyone can advertise their event days, whether the it is a band concert, A-team football game, club fundraiser, a big campus event, or something else.

Another candidate, Jade Walker said she would like to next year as an ASB officer spread a positive and welcoming vibe throughout the school.

Bella Mayer’s idea was to continue the Art Exhibit, but take it to a new level by adding Photography, Visual Arts, and even Theater! She wants it to be held in the gym, with lots of events, and other schools to be involved so students and staff can be showcased, and welcomed by all students, not just leadership.

An idea Sydney Minns had for the upcoming year was to have a bi-weekly video on the broadcast of the ASB officers talking about the events taking place. This way they can build relationships with the people in charge of the broadcast, and students are aware of events and the ASB officers in our school.

Kiana Sabugo optimistically said, “A goal I’d love to reach is making leadership run events/project to reach as many students as possible, and to create more positive memories for people at our school through ideas such as the wish granting factory and faculty birthday grahams. Leadership’s goals to make as many people’s high school “experiences'” as amazing as possible!”

While Christina Delmendo touched base on her goals. She said, “One of my biggest goals as an ASB officer is to make the campus an enjoyable place to be around. Everyone has a voice, and it should be heard and I hope to be an outlet to apply the ideas into the school Year. We only have 4 years of high school and I want them to be the best that they could be.”

Another exciting idea introduced was from Victor Ramos who said, “One of my ideas is to have all the grade levels decorate one hallway during homecoming week, and to have one big fundraiser between a big program for instance band or art or steppers club. My goal as ASB is to just prove that Leadership kids are not just party planners, We are leaders who make the school a fun and great place.”

Lastly, Maya Nelson said that she wants to make Armijo a better place by creating ‘student wishes’, which are randomly chosen wishes that we fulfill each year, and maybe a snapchat story for Armijo.

All twelve students are promising, but only six were chosen to represent Armijo as ASB officers. Two of the remaining ASB candidates are running for Senior Class officers, along with five others. There are also five candidates for office for the Class of 2019 and three for the Class of 2020. Elections for the Class of 2021 will take place in the fall.

Current juniors, sophomores and freshmen can vote at