Appreciate the importance of time
Time can’t turn back, so take advantage of it.
When we’re young, we’re oblivious to the challenges and struggles adults have to face everyday out there in the world, and we constantly say that we want to be grown-up already and be adults. As kids, we think that being adults means becoming independent and being able to do whatever you want, however there are many more responsibilities that entail. Instead of wishing we were grown-up, we should value and cherish that incredibly important part of our lives which is childhood. Making friends that will last a lifetime, playing outside, going to school, all form part of being a kid and mark an important part of our lives.
Or for example, many of us try to accomplish as many things in life as we can, because we feel that time is running out. It’s true, we won’t live forever, but sometimes, you just need to trust in the timing of your life. Just know that everything will come in its given moment and that you need to be more accepting of what happens instead of attempting to change it. This all forms part of our growth process as individuals.
But in the mean time, don’t waste time, don’t waste your life! Try out new things, travel to new places, have fun, spend time with your friends and family and make memories! Philip Stanhope once said, “Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.”

Hey there, I’m Dulce Bernal Ortiz! If you don’t know who I am, I’m a senior at Armijo High School, serving this year as your People Editor (second...