Deadlines can’t stop this class!

In This Class: Yearbook

Each face holds a memory; each memory recalls a friend.


Each face holds a memory; each memory recalls a friend.

Our first year back to in-person school, and who was there to document all of our fun events? The Yearbook! 

Memories and moments will be remembered by the Armijo Yearbook. This was Ms. Renee Deger’s first year supervising the publication and she learned a lot. She described it as being a “tremendous learning experience.” 

“The million details required to work on the yearbook and get it from start to finish was astounding,” she said. Along with the learning experience, Ms. Deger also described her favorite part of supervising over the yearbook’s production. “Watching the yearbook take shape and seeing what the students came up with when they were tasked with pages. The students came up with awesome pages.” 

Of course, with a new year comes new students signing up for classes. “There are plenty of opportunities to get involved where you feel most comfortable and draw upon your strengths,” said Ms. Deger. 

In this class, we see how students can choose the events they’d most like to cover, and pair up with other students to interview, take photos, and also enjoy the moment. Students who are looking for a class that will make a lasting impression should consider joining the yearbook staff!

Being inside the classroom, I observed students taking part in assigning roles and working on their assignments. As the arrival of the yearbooks drew near, students were focused on preparing to work at the library windows to hand out the yearbooks to our Armijo students. 

As always, the theme was a closely guarded secret. Without any official announcements of what the theme is or what the cover’s going to look like, we’re left with curious questions about what the yearbook staff came up with to describe the 2021-2022 school year. Ms.Deger discussed the idea about giving hints with the Editor-in-Chief. “For hints about our theme, stay updated on our page @armijoyearbook! We’ll be posting puzzle pieces of our cover, and other hints to the yearbook.”