Ortiz comes alive on the court

Off-campus athlete – Diego Ortiz (basketball)

Diego can play alone or with friends, but always has fun!

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Diego can play alone or with friends, but always has fun!

There once was a boy named Diego Ortiz who loved playing basketball. The reason he started playing was because he found the game very interesting.

The high school season can seem very short, and Ortiz didn’t want to restrict his time on the court to the games that were played with other schools, so he got involved in a club team and was able to play to his heart’s content.

When he is on the court, he tends to play center, point guard and driveline, but sometimes he only plays alone or with a friend. “You don’t need more players to play basketball,” he said.

Ortiz said that one of his favorite things to see and do with basketball is when players make dunks or they dunk on people. For him, he explained, basketball is a way of life, and playing basketball can make you love it even more.

Not only does he enjoy basketball, but he also likes snowboarding, but the two sports offer quite different physical and social experiences. While snowboarding is always a solo event, even though it can be done with friends, it is restricted to the winter weather. Basketball can be played year round, indoors or outdoors.