Around the world in sophomore year

In this Class: World Civ

Students+learn+about+their+own+cultures+as+well+as+those+around+the+world. by: Greg Rosenke

Students learn about their own cultures as well as those around the world.

World Civilizations, commonly called World Civ, is a study of both ancient and modern world history, including the foundation of civilizations, belief systems, commerce, exploration, enlightenment, political revolutions, the industrial revolution, nationalism, imperialism through the world wars, the cold war, the quest of countries seeking independence, and changes in current global patterns.

In order to get insight into each of these time periods, students read a lot of original documents and speeches, and examine original artwork and artifacts.

A typical day in our Distance Learning classes starts with a greeting / check-in / warm-up exercise that usually lasts about 10 minutes.

After the warm-up, we briefly talk about the learning objective for the day, and the purpose behind the lesson or activity.

A “normal” lesson in our class could be anything from a primary source reading and answering some supporting questions, to watching an EdPuzzle video where students answer interactive questions while they watch video clips.

There are days where we take good old-fashioned notes, but we try to switch things up and minimize the note-taking whenever possible.

In short, in our class we try to examine World History from a multicultural perspective – and understand how these historical events/people/cultures have impacted and influenced our own lives.