Junior: Daniela Gonzalez
I’ve been in leadership for 3 years!
Leadership positions/titles I have held:
- Decision Day Committee Head- 9th
- Co-Founder of the Skate for Change Club at Armijo High School- 10th
- Skate 4 Change Community Events Organizer and Team Leader -9th, 10th, 11th
- Skate for Change Club Vice-President/Secretary- 10th, 11th
- Club Fair Committee Head- 11th
- International Club Chairperson- 11th
Important characteristics about me:
I’ve always been passionate about helping, encouraging and supporting others to be their best selves. Leadership has changed my life and high school experience since my very first day in the class and I would love to give back to the program that has given me so much. I am a responsible, enthusiastic and productive person, I dedicate myself to get things done in the best way possible. I love making connections and being able to work with others as a team. I am approachable, I adapt quickly to different situations and I love getting involved with my school and the amazing and diverse people you can find in it, lastly I am very optimistic and inclusive, especially when it comes to including other people’s thoughts and concerns. I’ll make sure to create an environment where we all genuinely care, communicate and respect each other so everyone’s voice is heard.
How I plan to stay connected to students to make sure their voices are heard:
Class meetings: I want to introduce a new structure where we ask students how they feel or if there is anything they want to share at the beginning of every class meeting. I want to also have a meeting per month where we get to know each other as a class using strategies such as playing games or having a mental health day to make my class more united. With this they will feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas or concerns and we will be able to create a bond as a class. I really strive to create an environment where we can all communicate and respect each other.
Social media: My DM’s will always be open for anyone inside and outside of leadership who needs someone to talk to, I speak English and spanish which will help with students that are still learning English and need someone to relate to. If I get their consent I will share any concerns or ideas students might have with other officers so we can take them into consideration and help if it’s needed. We could also create an instagram account for our class and keep them updated of everything that is happening. To keep them motivated and let them know that we appreciate them we can have prizes to the most active members of the month and post them there (appreciation post).
Surveys/feedback: We can create a remind for our class and send surveys through it to get feedback from every member of our class and then we could proceed to include their feedback in all our decisions. A remind would be really helpful to make sure that they are getting the information needed and to also give them an easy and secure way to communicate with us.