Junior: Kennedie Edejer
Leadership Roles I’ve Held:
Trunk or Treat Committee Head 2020
Armijo Girls Tennis Team Captain 2019
Gymnastics Coach 2019-2020
Other Important Qualities/ Characteristics About Me:
I would describe myself as a very spirited and energetic person. I am definitely passionate about Armijo, and how far we’ve come. I always try to bring a positive attitude not only to leadership, but to all of my classes. I strive to make everyone feel included no matter who you are. I want Leadership and just school in general, to be a comfortable place where everyone can be themselves. Leadership has definitely impacted me, and the way I think about life. Leadership has given me a place to express myself freely, and make decisions for myself. My wish is for everyone to jump out of their comfort zones, and enjoy their time in Leadership as much as I do.
How I Plan For Our Class To Stay Connected:
I plan for our class to stay connected through these Google Meetings, of course. But, I would also like to start some outside of school gatherings with our class. As much as it is important to have meetings and discuss the future of our class, it’s just as important to bond physically outside of the Google Meets. I also plan to let everyone’s voice be heard, and express how they feel. We can’t be a successful Junior class if not everyone has a say in what we do. I feel that it is very important for not just the officers to take charge, but for the rest of our class to be engaged also. That’s why if I am elected I will treat my classmates as if they are all officers, and therefore everyone’s voice will be able to be heard. Staying connected as a class will not be easy because of the times we are in, but hey, “we’re all in this together.”
Two Most Important Issues That Need to be Resolved:
Class Engagement/ Energy
Usually, energy and class engagement is never a problem for our class. But, can y’all remember the last time we had a meeting, or a fundraiser? Because I can’t. That’s why I think it is important for this topic to be noticed as an issue that needs to be worked on. Class Engagement and Energy within our class will obviously be hard because we literally sit in front of our chromebooks all day, but I know we can find ways to overcome this. We need to think back to freshman year, when we practiced our skits, and had the time of our lives. We were such babies, yet we had so much fun. If I am elected as a class officer, I will constantly strive to create that same energy. I will always take everyone’s feelings and ideas into consideration, and create a fun environment where all my classmates are comfortable and included.
Mental Health
I feel that right now Mental Health is one of the important issues not just in our class, and at Armijo. We wake up every day, roll out of bed, sit in front of our chromebooks for up to eight hours, and repeat this cycle for five days of the week. To be honest, I’m starting to feel really unmotivated, and I constantly feel stuck. We’re only three months into school, but it feels like we’ve been at this for five years. So many adults complain about being on your device because it rots your brain, but look where we are now. It used to be a choice to be on your device, but now we are forced to everyday. It is so tiring and exhausting, and I just wish we had days where we could lay in bed without any devices around us. It is so mentally draining during this time of distance learning, and if elected this is an issue I reach out to my peers personally. I want to be be there for everyone in class and individually.