Flor Martinez – Officer Bio for ASB Officer 2020-2021

Hey everyone!! My name is Flor Martinez and I am running for the ASB Panel for the next school year!! For those who may not know me, I’ve been in leadership since my freshman year where I’ve held many great leadership positions such as the co-committee head of karaoke night, one of the dance choreographers for our hoco skit, etc. I have been involved with sports such as cross country and track & field for the last 3 years, I’m also a dancer so you may have seen me dance at Music Fest the last two years :D, and I am the winner of the Girls State program,which is a leadership program designed to increase awareness and knowledge of governmental processes, that was offered to Armijo High for the very FIRST time! There were over 25 girls competing for that position but I set my mind to do it and I did that!!!

If I were to describe myself I would probably say that I am energetic whoooooo, persistent, very caring, and devoted to what I set my mind to. As your potential ASB officer, I plan to lift up our energy levels up every morning and bring positive vibes to the room. I want to consider everyone’s opinions, feelings concerns, and questions and let them be heard. I want to help as many people as I can to reach their full potential to be the best version of themselves. I was a very shy and afraid person at the start of high school and thanks to the people around me I’m glad to say that I’m no longer that person. Most importantly, I want to bring newer events to our class AND bring back smaller events that were either lost in the process or forgotten about. For example, do you remember the last time we had a music friday or what about lunchtime activities?!