Teurel has all the write stuff as 2020 Secretary

Lauren is on the right track when it comes to her roll as Senior Class Secretary.

Lauren Teurel is the Senior Class Secretary. In order to earn that position, she gave a speech in front of her peers and encouraged students to vote for her during the Associated Student Body (ASB) elections last spring. The number of votes she received earned her the position of secretary for the Class of 2020.

As Senior Class Secretary, Teurel signs forms and passes, is in charge of homecoming, and the Senior Sunrise. If we return to school as planned after the COVID-19 closures, She will also be in charge of planning the Senior Sunset. “We have very strong communication with each other so we’re always one text or call away,” she said.

“I don’t think it’s that hard [to be Senior Class Secretary], but there’s a lot of pressure when you make decisions that affect the masses,” said Teurel. It is a role that she enjoys, partly because she gets to make fun decisions and be in charge of things.

Teurel is planning to go to college and in March was waiting for the approval letter from University of San Francisco (USF). While she enjoys being an officer at the high school level, she does not plan to continue being part of the ASB leadership in college because she has other plans for herself.

Leadership isn’t her only strength. She has also earned highest honors and academic achievement awards. She has also earned a junior varsity and varsity letter in badminton and a varsity letter in golf.

While she is waiting for graduation, Teurel enjoys going to random adventures with her friends and doing stuff she loves to do.