As VP of the Class of 2022, Cytlali has a lot of responsibility

Joel Bejarano Alanis

When Cytlali ran for office last year, she didn’t know she’d become second in command.

Cytlali Arreaga was just a freshman when she started student government. She joined the Leadership class so that she could be more involved with the school and the Associated Student Body (ASB). Ever since she joined, she has been a lot more active in the student body.

Now Arreaga is serving as the Vice President for the Class of 2022. In this position, she gets to help plan homecoming and fundraisers for her class.

When she ran for class office, Arreaga spread the word by advertising on social media about her campaign  and she gave a speech to leadership. After she did that, she got the spot as Vice President.

When Arreaga graduates, she wants to major in math so, after she graduates from college, she can pursue the career she wants: engineering. While she finishes high school and as she goes to college, she said that she would also like to continue student government, but only if she has time to do it.

Arreaga likes her position and would encourage anyone who is considering joining student government. “Go for it because you gain a lot of new experience and, when you join, there will be no bad outcome.”

For Arreaga, it has helped to have her parents support. “They have always encouraged me and supported me with anything,” she said. Because of them, she works hard and has a pair of role models to emulate.