Calero is second in command for the Class of 2023
Ashley wants to learn by experience and she’s ready to gain that experience.
Ashley Calero Vargas was recently elected to serve as the Freshman Vice President and she is ready for the challenge.
Calero ran for a Associated Student Body (ASB) office because one of her high school goals was to completely move out of her comfort zone. She wanted to do things she hadn’t done in middle school. “I thought this was a good opportunity to gain new skills and grow as a student,” she said.
As vice president, Calero wants to make sure that students are valued, with a special emphasis on those in the freshman class. She wants the staff and students to have a better understanding of each other.
Calero is looking forward to the challenges of serving as vice president. She said that it can be fun, but it can also be stressful. “It’s a great experience because you make lots of new friends and practically become family (you know who you are),” she said. Serving as vice president is a great opportunity to do good and it actually pays off, she said.
When she is not serving in her role as a freshman class officer, Calero likes hanging out with her friends and does songwriting for fun. Outside of school she has participated in sports, but right now she is taking a break from that while she gets used to her advanced classes. She hopes to earn her International Baccalaureate (IB) degree and soon wants to start volunteering for things.

I was born in California on October 30th, 2005, one day before Halloween. My favorite holiday is Halloween since I am a Halloween baby and tend to love...