How to accept a UC admission offer

Taking the right steps means youll get the right results.

Taking the right steps means you’ll get the right results.

Students can accept an admission offer by agreeing to the provisions/conditions outlined in the offer and submitting their Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) with the SIR deposit to reserve their space at a campus. The SIR deposit is $250.  Some important things to keep in mind about accepting a UC admission offer:

  1. Students can accept only one admission offer from one UC campus.
  2. The SIR deposi tis applied to the student’s first enrollment term tuition.
  3. Students that qualified for the UC application fee waiver will have the SIR deposit deferred until financial aid is disbursed.
  4. The SIR deposit is nonrefundable and non-transferable.
  5. Orientation may be required at some UC campuses. Orientation is valuable to your student for familiarizing themselves with the campus and can be a great opportunity for them to meet new friends!  Students should review orientation options early to secure a date that best meets their schedule.
  6. Statement of Legal Residence (SLR) for tuition determination purposes only may be required.