Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
Everyone says that to truly live, you must go out of your way to make yourself uncomfortable, to “broaden your horizons.” Their intentions may be pure, but often they go about it the wrong way.
On the whole, trying a new food because of peer pressure isn’t a horrible tragedy. However, it isn’t uncommon for people to have a hard time accepting other people’s limitations. With that thought, this is generally the thing that makes people not want to step out of their comfort zones.
Naturally, trying new things is a good way to develop character—or at the least, have a bit of fun. I’m not saying that you should skydive despite your deathly fear of heights, but because of the possibility of a fun experience. It wouldn’t be so horrible to try taking that course on how to speak publicly because a deathly fear of social speaking is hindering success.
Striving for improvement on life can be pursued by trying new things. There’s a food you’ve always wanted to try but are too afraid of either messing it up or it being inedible? Try it anyway! Even if it’s horrible, you can say that you tried it and that it is.
Exploring your food palate is a relatively harmless way of shaking up your life. Get out in the world and do something interesting that you wouldn’t normally do. Have fun, and live life.

Leila Harper is a reader. A resident Californian, she has always been more adept in speaking out in the written form. Now a Senior, she enjoys reading,...