Club Focus: Black Student Union

Club Focus: Black Student Union

“Armijo Black Student Union [BSU] is dedicated to uplifting and uniting Africans and African Americans,” said Armijo BSU officer Stevie Nettles, “It’s important because it shares representation and most importantly, pride and awareness.”

Every Wednesday at lunch, students gather in B-5 at lunch to invite individuals of all backgrounds in inviting discourse and advocacy. As an officer, Nettles aspires to expose members to pressing issues affecting minorities and to create a positive atmosphere for every Armijo student.

Organizations such as Black Student Union were established as far back as the early 1960s by college and high school students in response to racial segregation and discrimination. In universities, Black Student Unions have served an important role in leading protests and demonstrations.

Today, organizations such as Black Student Union promote academic achievement, cultural pride, and awareness of issues facing people of color communities. “Black Student Union empowers members with methodology and knowledge,” said Nettles, “It’s our responsibility to unify our struggles and take action.”

In addition to knowledge and outreach, the club’s mission includes promoting academic excellence and improving race relations. In particular, Nettles emphasizes the strong support network created by the student organization. “I’ve made many friends through BSU— it’s given all of us a place to come together,” said Nettles.

For students interested in joining Armijo’s Black Student Union, meetings are held during lunch every Wednesday in club advisor Mr. Taylor’s room, B-5.