Time for cat lovers to spread the love

Adopt a Cat Month – June

The month of June is Adopt a Cat Month, a time that encourages everyone to remember that there are lots of animals with no homes. 3.4 million cats enter shelters nationwide each year. According to the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy only 2% of cats go back to their homes.

Shelters around the world are full of abandoned cats, and kittens. Many are lost from homes, and many are born without a home. Some are badly injured, and unfortunately lots are waiting to be put down.

Cats are viewed as vicious animals that attack people for no reason, and so sadly they are less likely to be picked to enter someone’s home forever, but cat lovers are some of the best people.

Kittens have the most fun personalities. They love affection and lots of toys, and even paper rolled up in a ball can get a cat moving. It’s not unusual for a cat to be fascinated by a toilet paper roll and cat owners are generally not surprised to wake up and discover toilet paper all over the place.

Adopt a Cat Month is a good time to consider the many perks of having a fur ball running around the home, making it a happier place. They are good with everything, and they are definitely less work than a dog. Many are even less expensive. If you have a long trip planned, they can fend for themselves for a couple of days. Food, water, toys, and a clean cat box is all they need; they will miss you though.

If you do decide to adopt a cat, your home should be prepared with a litter box, cat food, a cat bed, and cat toys.

Older cats are calmer and more prone to hiding because of an unfamiliar setting. If you decide to adopt a kitten, the energy will be nonstop. Locally, you can visit The Solano County Animal Shelter or The SPCA  either to adopt a cat of your own, donate or volunteer if you qualify.