A lifetime of helping can start here

National Philanthropy Day – November 19


Image by John Hain from Pixabay

It can all start with the act of one day.

National Philanthropy Day is about helping the community through volunteering for the common good. The concept of Philanthropy has been around for thousands of years. It was practiced during the Middle Ages and developed in ancient Greece and Rome civilizations.

Modern philanthropists can celebrate on November 19, a day where nonprofit organizations offer a variety of options and services to help the community. Many of those benefits involve substantial tax deductions on donations.

National Philanthropy Day started in 1986, when President Ronald Reagan proclaimed that the day would be celebrated on November 15 of that year.as National Philanthropy Day (Regan Library).

While donating money is one way to support National Philanthropy Day, people can also volunteer or bring attention to various causes via social media. There are even luncheons and awards are often scheduled for people and organizations! Philanthropy can be a powerful and positive tool for social change and the community can benefit.

Those who are interested in practicing philanthropy, or a love of people, can start on November 19 by volunteering at food banks, helping with a person’s groceries, and by sharing on a social media. For more information about how to participate and who is involved, go to https://npdoc.org/.