Random Acts of Kindness last long after the action

When it counts, can you be counted on?


When it counts, can you be counted on?

Did you know that Random Acts of Kindness can make someone’s entire day? Imagine how different the world would be if every day everyone took a few moments out of their day to perform a random act of kindness for someone else. I’ve put together a list of five things you can do to impact your community, family, friends, fellow students, and strangers. Hopefully, these are helpful for you, so you can spread joy to others.

  1. The first Act of Kindness I would recommend is complimenting someone. Giving someone a simple compliment, whether it’s about their outfit, hair, or just calling someone talented or dedicated could make someone’s entire day.
  2. Next, giving money or supplies to the homeless. It’s always a nice feeling to help someone out, giving a homeless person some cash, a meal or even a pair of warm socks would brighten up your day and theirs. Donating materials for Skate for Change can be one way to reach those in need if you feel uncomfortable addressing them face-to-face.
  3. Help your parents make dinner. You could ask either your mom or dad if they need help with dinner, or better yet make dinner for your family. It would be especially nice if you followed it up with washing the dishes afterward. Maybe seeing your willingness to help would encourage someone else in your family to set the table or put the clean dishes away.
  4. Help a younger sibling with homework. Helping a sibling with homework could be a fun experience for both of you and could get your sibling a better grade. You might also learn something that you forgot about from when you were in that class back in the day.
  5. Donate. You can go to any donation center whether it’s at a local Goodwill or the Salvation Army. You could donate any unwanted items that you don’t need. Maybe start with cleaning your room or go all out and collect things to donate from your friends and neighbors to bless others.

You can start small or go big, it is up to you. Hopefully, you use one of these Random Acts of Kindness to make someone’s day. Here is a challenge for today: compliment the first three people you talk to today, smile at three strangers, and open the door for someone if you get the chance.