Ann Collins, Staff Writer
I’m Ann Collins! I’m a senior here. I went to Crystal Middle School. I signed up for this Journalism
class because I want to write more since I enjoy writing, and wanted another elective that I would
enjoy. I love musicals, hiking, reading, and listening to podcasts and music. My favorite podcasts are;
The Black Tapes, and Hulm and Camlann. My favorite Musicals are Sound Of Music, Godspell, Mama
Mia! and Pippin. My Favorite Bands are The Longest John, Good Kid, and Arcadian Wild.
I’m originally from Missouri, but I moved when I was 4 to Napa and, in 3rd grade, I moved here to the
Suisun/Fairfield area. I’ve traveled a lot in the United States and my favorite places I’ve seen
traveling have to be Arch National Park and Yosemite. I would love to visit more national parks –
Glaciers specifically- and collect stickers and stamps from each. I am the oldest of three with my
youngest sibling being 11 years younger than me and my oldest being four years younger.