Want to Win a Movie Ticket? Guess Our January 1 Mystery Person!
The first Mystery Person of 2019 is a junior who started attending Armijo as a freshman. While she admitted that one of her favorite hobbies is sleeping, she also said that she was very proud of getting on the Honor Roll.
If our Mystery Person could travel anywhere in the world, she said that she would like to go to “Brazil, Africa, Jamaica, and New Orleans,” an interesting combination that includes a lot of coastlines and water.
Favorites for this individual include the color pink and Mexican food. Her brother attended Armijo, but graduated last year. She hopes to go to college when she has graduated, although she is not sure where or what she wants to study.
Even after college, it might take years to earn $1 million, but our Mystery Person said that, if she were to win such a sum, she would “pay some bills get me a place.” That might make choosing a college and a career easier, after all.
The last Mystery Person was Trey Moreno who remained a mystery during the last two weeks of 2018.
If you know the Mystery Person for these two weeks, be the first person to go to G-10 to identify him or her. You will receive a free movie ticket at Edwards Theater. Only one prize per issue will be awarded. Journalism students or club members and Armijo teachers and staff do not qualify. Armijo’s Mystery Person will be presented between September and May. Submission cannot be taken during class time but will be accepted between classes, before and after school.