Why it’s Important to be Creative

Creative endeavors help people to learn and grow in many ways.

There are many reasons why it is important to be creative. For example, creativity helps children express themselves. In the world of business, it can even help managers at work to solve problems in a more innovative way. Most of all, creativity is important because it makes life more interesting and encourages us to chase our passions. If creativity didn’t exist, our world would not have song-artists, musicals, painters, and more. These people bring all kinds of entertainment into our world!

Creativity can improve the overall quality of our life. Instead of seeing challenges as roadblocks, we can welcome the detour with innovative thinking on how we are going to get across. Studies have shown that being creative has actually promoted a longer life. By not being so afraid of failure and challenges, creating art or thinking creatively reduces stress and other negative emotions.

Although embracing our creative side can be scary at first, it can help us to develop confidence. After creating a piece of work, it takes willingness to be vulnerable in able to show it to others. However, creative people have to embrace failure because it is what makes us grow as humans.

So, the next time you are sitting in an art class, or any situation that allows flexibility, don’t be afraid to embrace your creative side!