Senior Spotlight: Goal-Oriented

Niyah has her focus set on her future and she's ready to soar..

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Niyah has her focus set on her future and she’s ready to soar..

Nyiah Sanouvong has been going to Armijo ever since her freshman year but she has only been in one club: The International Club. While she doesn’t have many hobbies outside of school, she does like to work out and hang out with friends.

When she graduates in June, Sanouvong plans to attend San Jose State University, with a major in computer engineering. After graduating from San Jose State, Sanouvong plans on exploring her options and going with the flow.

Sanouvong is the second child in her family, with three siblings. The oldest, Angel, is 20. After Sanouvong is John John, who is 14, and Jordan who is just about 10 months old. She said that her mother’s boyfriend is one of the role models in her life. “It’s as if he’s my life coach and he has really helped me get through these four years,” she said.

Her favorite memory about Armijo is from her math class. She and her friends always talked and had fun in the classroom. She will miss friends, family, and teachers the most.

Advice that Sanouvong  would give to freshmen or anyone new to Armijo is to definitely stay out drama! “It doesn’t help to worry about problems all the time,” she said. She also encourages new students to focus on school and make sure to actually GO to their teachers whenever there is an issue regarding classwork or grades.