Why wait until the last minute?

This story first ran August 15, 2018.

It’s the beginning of the school year, which means it’s important to set goals that will keep you in line for the rest of the year. Without goals, it can be very easy to fall behind and resort to bad habits such as procrastination.

The first important step to setting a goal is to write it down. This allows you to reflect exactly on what you want to improve on doing the school year. Once your goals are written down, choose the ones that are the most realistic and specific.

Do you remember the Week of Welcome when we talked about SMART goals? Make sure your goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant (and Realistic), and Timely.

Goals that are too broad will not be as motivating as you will not be able to be sure if and when you meet them. Setting up an hourly schedule or calendar of deadlines will prove to be great encouragement to achieve your goals. Make sure to distinguish between the short-term and long-term plans.

The #1 tip is to keep a positive attitude! Having an optimistic attitude can help you succeed. Some things you can do to keep an optimistic attitude is to surround yourself with good people, celebrate your achievements (no matter how small) and get outside for some fresh air – don’t spend four straight hours doing homework.

Take a break every now and then and your results will be more productive. Shaping your thoughts and your time to have a positive attitude can make a world of difference.