Identify the Mystery Person, Win a Movie Ticket!

Guess who we're talking about, be the first to identify him and win a movie ticket!

Guess who we’re talking about, be the first to identify him and win a movie ticket!

The first Mystery Person of the 2018-2019 school year is a junior boy who likes to spend time with his friends and family. He has a Pomeranian Chihuahua-mix dog whom he absolutely adores.

In his spare time, when he is home, he likes to play video games such as Fortnite. Another one of his passions is music. “I am pretty open-minded when it comes to music. I could listen to anything really,” said this Mystery Person. If he had to choose a genre it would be Rap because he feels he can relate to it more than any other genre. When asked his favorite artist he said, “It is really tough to choose just one, but, I have really been liking Earl Sweatshirt lately.” His favorite song by that artist is “Hive”.

In the future, our Mystery Person would like to move to the East Coast to attend college. He is thinking about Penn State or Temple University. “I am not really sure about what college exactly, but I know I will like the East Coast much better than West.”

His ultimate career goal is to be a psychologist. “I am not quite sure what pushed me towards that career path, but I know I have always wanted to make a difference in the world and make people feel better.”

Some fun facts about our Mystery Person is that he is 6’2” and his favorite subject is math.

If you know the Mystery Person for these two weeks, be the first person to go to G-10 to identify him or her. You will receive a free movie ticket at Edwards Theater. Only one prize per issue will be awarded. Journalism students or club members and Armijo teachers and staff do not qualify. Armijo’s Mystery Person will be presented between August and May. Submission cannot be taken during class time but will be accepted between classes, before and after school.