Be A “Builder-upper” (Part 1)

Custodian Steve’s Encouraging Word

Be A "Builder-upper" (Part 1)

During the 1920’s, The Chisholms were the epitome of American high society. Everlina, their housekeeper, had been with them for forty years, and when her niece came over to play they took the little girl under their wing. She sang beautifully and Mrs. Chrisholm, a trained musician, asked if she’d like to become a professional singer. She was thrilled! Her most prized possessions were recordings of famous opera singers, and when the Metropolitan was on the radio she was spellbound. That day she took the first step towards realizing her dream, and guests of the Chrisholms were amazed by the girl who sang the classics with a talent and sensitivity far beyond her years. Elizabeth Chrisholm continued to sponsor her education by sending her to study at Juilliard. And as a result, the world was introduced to the phenomenal talent of Leontyne Price, the darling of the Metropolitan Opera.


Someone once said, “Do not withhold good . . .when it is in the power of your hand to do so”. William Barclay, said, “One of the highest human duties, is the duty of encouragement.” We are  to build others up by highlighting what’s good instead of magnifying what’s bad, by seeing them as unique individuals instead of stereotypes, by respecting instead of ridiculing, by forgiving instead of shaming, by modeling unconditional love instead of love with strings attached, by applauding each step of growth instead of saying, “You’ll never change,” by seeing their potential instead of seeing them as problems to be handled. Come on, get your theology off the drawing board and put it in to practice! Today, be a “builder-upper.”