Senior Class Secretary: Keirstin Anderson

Leila Harper

Kiersten knew that , for her, being on the sidelines was not enough.

Keirstin Anderson serves as Senior Class Secretary. “I, with the other officers, plan class meetings, run homecoming and help run and promote other senior events, like Senior Kick-Off / Send-Off and Powder Puff,” Anderson said.

She said that she wanted to take a bigger role in the Leadership class, which she joined in her sophomore year. After serving for two years, she realized that the best way to take the bigger role was to run for office. “I campaigned by talking to the class, putting up posters, social media and giving a speech,” she said.

“Get involved. Take all the opportunities available to you,” said Anderson. “You’ll meet new people and you’ll learn a lot about yourself and leading others. Embrace being nervous and don’t let it stop you.”

Anderson has gotten involved in more than just leadership. She also plays golf for Armijo and she loves baking.

After high school, she hopes to visit Disneyland and take a cruise to Ireland. She plans to go to the University of Nevada, Reno in the fall. “I’m undeclared [in a major] right now, but I’m thinking about International Business or Law.” Whatever her choice, her commitment to leadership and the Class of 2018 will help propel her forward as a university student.