Class of 2018 Vice President: Alejandro Vera
In four years, Alejandro has served as class officer two different years.
Alejandro Vera joined Leadership when he was a freshman and he ran for officer that year. Three years later, when he was getting ready to enter his senior year, he ran for office again. This time he earned the position of Senior Class Vice President. “I work with the other officers to put on senior events,” he said. He plans to continue being part of student government in college where he plans to major in biological sciences. His ultimate goal, though, is not a government position. After college, Vera intends to be an OB/GYN nurse.
Vera suggests that others test the waters of leadership and serving as a class officer. “Just run for office and if you get it, congrats!” he said. “If you don’t, at least you tried.”
At school, Vera is also involved in the Around the World Club, but when he is not studying or helping others in school and society related causes, he is at work at the Western Railway Museum.
One thing that Vera said could be improved at Armijo is “how students treat the campus. We should be treating our school how we treat our homes,” he said. He shares his own home with three brothers and one sister. Of all his family members, his sister is his role model “because she is breaking traditional Hispanic gender roles.”