A Special Welcome from ROTC

Welcome back cadets! We especially welcome to our new members, also called AS1’s. ROTC is very excited to have you in the Corps this year! You’ll have a great time learning drills, participating in Leadership, Aerospace Science, physical training classes, and meeting new friends.

August has been very busy with getting to know the new cadets and with planning fundraisers for the year. Cadets who received positions at the end of last year had the chance to attend leadership school. This is where they learned about their positions duties/responsibilities along with what to expect for the year.

September is also a busy month for the Corps. Our Color Guard team will present the Colors at all of the home football games. Furthermore, as part of our community service program, the Corps will be participating in the Coast and Creek clean up, tentatively scheduled for September 17.

We look forward to a great year in ROTC and at Armijo HS!