April 2018: Sibling Spotlight | Siblings at Different Ends of the Spectrum

Christiana Clark is a senior and sharing the campus with her little brother Xavier is not really a big deal to her. “I don’t

really care because I never see him around ,¨ she said.

While she is comfortable with this situation, it has affected Xavier a little differently. “It´s weird because my friends like to make jokes about how I need my older sister around.” This will be the only year that the two share the Armijo campus, though, as Christiana is graduating in June.

The Clarks have shared the campus of several schools, including Crescent and Suisun Elementary but, because of their age difference, they were not at Crystal at the same time. They were both fairly sure that they wouldn’t be going to the same college, so this is their last year sharing a campus.

The siblings do have some similarities. Both are athletic. Christiana plays volleyball while Xavier’s sport is baseball.

While some siblings are close on and off campus, Christiana and Xavier are more focused on their own lives than how their sibling perceived them. ¨I honestly don´t know what my sister would say about me, probably something rude,” said Xavier. Christiana said, “My brother would most likely say that I annoy his life.” Xavier would prefer that people didn’t know they were related because he doesn’t want people to joke around with him about their family connection.

Despite their differences, Christiana said that she wishes her brother good luck in high school because she can´t wait to leave. She still wants to do as much as she can before she graduates but Xavier just wants to have fun before he graduates Armijo High school in 2021 .