Drama Update

Say hello to the new 2016-17 school year and get fired up for the start of drama club! Come out and join us in T-2 right across from the cafeteria and play some theatre games. Drama club meets every Wednesday at lunch to go over club business and play fun games!Every other Friday we meet in T-2 after school to play improv games and work on stage skills.  The next improv hour is September 9th and every other Friday after that from 3-4. Participation in games is not required, you can come be an audience member and have a few laughs. All students are welcome and can participate as a player or audience member. 

Auditions for the fall play are being held September 8th in T-2 after school. All students are eligible to be in our shows, no prerequisites.  Be sure to come to drama club August 31 to find out what the show will be. No experience is necessary to join drama club or even audition for the play! We hope to see you at drama club on Wednesdays and at auditions!