Pizza Person

March 2018: At Work

Taylor Newton

In Danessa’s life, she has a lot on her plate from week to week. On weekends, it’s pizza!

Teens and pizza seem to go together but for Danessa Scrivens, it goes one step further who works at Papa Murphy’s. ¨Sometimes I make pizzas and then other times I´ll be at the cash register,” she said. “Really, it´s whatever my boss needs me to do.: She said that she really enjoys making pizza sometimes.

Scrivens likes her job and thinks it is fun because a lot and the people she works with also go to Armijo. She started working there at the end of 2017 and puts in between six and seven hours on weekends. “I work on the weekends because I´m part of the varsity softball team here,” she said. When she started working at Papa Murphy’s, she said it was hard to balance school work, softball and her job so she had to negotiate with her manager about her hours, but things are working out well. She would encourage others to work, but only if they are sure that they can keep their priorities in order. “Make sure you can handle your school before you get a job because it can interfere with your grades and your future,” she said.

And about the pizza? “I highly recommend eating there,” said Scrivens.