SafeQuest helps students with relationships

On Tuesday, February 6, a collection of students met with facilitators from SafeQuest to discuss “different facets and strategies to building and maintaining healthy relationships,” according to counselor Carlos Aguilar.
The students are meeting on Tuesdays during lunch through the month of March. Participants were selected by recommendation, students who staff members felt “would benefit from workshops that focus on building and maintaining relationships,” said Mr. Aguilar. “Past participants are also re-invited to the program.”
SafeQuest has been supporting Armijo with programs like this for at least four years. That title is actually the name of the organization but the program is actually titled Youth Leadership Team. “I like to promote it as SafeQuest so people don’t get confused with our own Leadership program,” said Mr. Aguilar.
The program is led by facilitators who are certified employees of Solano County Youth Services. Discussions focus on topics such as Defining and Setting Boundaries, Effective Communication, Social Norms & Gender Stereotypes, just to name a