How Habits Are Formed?

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Everyone has habits, both good and bad. So, what IS a habit exactly? A habit is something that someone does repeatedly, something that has become so natural that it requires little thought. It might be something as negative and annoying as nail biting or always being late, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Just like bad habits, there are good habits, too.

Some good habits that people seek to develop are doing thoughtful things like holding doors open or saying thank you, having a positive mindset, or keeping things clean. At first habits were thought to develop over a span of 21 days, but recent studies show that it often takes more than two months to form a habit. They are developed through repetition and consistent practice and, although it seems that bad habits develop more easily, this process can also be used to develop positive habits.

The other challenge with habits, those that are not favorable, is that they are not easy to change. For some people, it may take two months to replace with a favorable habit, but it is important to remember that this length is an average and some people might take longer – or less time – than others. The best way to get rid of a bad habit is to replace it with a good habit, and becoming a better person is much better than just breaking a bad habit.


Sources Used: habits_b_5104807.html