Dec 2017: Teacher Feature | Teaching, Coaching and more

Coach Meeter is proud of his family and works hard to support them.

Mr. Rob Meeter has been a P.E. teacher for 20 years, but this is only his second year at Armijo. He decided to become a P.E. teacher because he enjoys “teaching and coaching physical education as well as a variety of sports,” he said. He really enjoys teaching physical education “but sometimes it is a challenge getting all of the students to realize the importance of PE class…I try to encourage the students to learn that physical education is not just a class that they must take as a 9th or 10th grader, but the overall goal is to develop them into physically active adults.”

If he had not become a teacher, Mr. Meeter said that he would have become an auto mechanic, a career he had considered at some time after he finished high school. Before becoming a teacher, he worked “in construction, milking cows, and managing a couple of automotive parts stores,” he said.

Mr. Meeter attended a college in San Diego where he majored in physical education and secondary education. He also has a Masters in sports management. During high school he did not have the opportunity to play basketball but while he was in college he was able to play for four years.

He said that the best part of his job is “working with the staff here at Armijo, especially the P.E. and coaching staff.” He also said that he enjoys “most of the students.” One thing that he likes about Armijo is the diversity, and he also enjoys “having the opportunity to make an impact in students’ lives.”

Aside from all of the teaching and coaching he has done in his life, he said that his biggest accomplishment is working with his wife to raise his daughters. “My wife Janelle and I have three daughters who are all in college now. They are not only great daughters and students, but they are wonderful young ladies and we are very proud of them,” he said.

Things that he enjoys during his free time include hiking, bike riding, playing tennis and doing projects around the house. His favorite sport is basketball but he also plays and enjoys a variety of sports.

He also gave some words of advice to students, some quotes from former UCLA Basketball Coach John Wooden – his favorite basketball coach and arguably the best basketball coach ever, according to him: “Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming…Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”