Mother, or maybe not

I regret spending money on this movie.

It wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever seen but it’s pretty close.

In this movie Jennifer Lawrence plays a young woman, who is married to a man who she thinks is the love of her life, played by Javier Bardem. He plays a writer who has habits of being maybe a little too hospitable. It overwhelms Lawrence’s character to the point of near madness.

There is, of course, a deeper meaning to this movie, that I ended up having to research to fully understand, and that may be just as weird as what happens to their baby in the film.

Filmmaker Darren Aronofsky, has also made movies like Black Swan and Requiem for a Dream, so everyone should have expected it to be weird. The very dark Biblical metaphors and storyline were quite unsettling.

If you are going to see this movie, prepare to be fairly upset and confused. While the film was executed fairly well, the plot was strange and the imagery was uncomfortable. Overall I probably wouldn’t recommend seeing this movie.